A world-renowned learning platform, Simpliaxis enables both professionals and enterprises to boost their IT careers and business outcomes. As a result of our commitment to excellence, our accreditated trainers provide the best training possible. Our courses include Agile & scrum training, DevOps Certification, SAFe Release Train Engineer Certification, PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner Certification, PMP training, PSPO Certification, KMPI Certification and more, which offer the best learning experience in the industry.
J-13/93, Chowkaghat Purani Cotton Mill A G Palace Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221001, India more...
Bhavanthi Street Mangalore, Karnataka 575001, India more...
Karunamayee Ghat Road Kolkata, West Bengal 700082, India more...
Plot No. 90, IDA, Phase - II, Cherlapally, HYDERABAD - 500051, T.S. Hyderabad, Telangana 500051, India more...